You Still Work in Me

Picture of Siloma


Happy soul ultra pro max!

There are times I really don’t care
About who you are, or what you can do
Most times I choose to forget
Where you got me from, the miry clay
How you formed me in your hands
And gave me the gifts I have today
With my low-level of thought
I choose to say, ‘battle well fought’
Forgetting your armor, your aid

I then start working for my own glory
Not yours because you are no more
A deity that the poor rush to
Wealth controls me and I say WTH
Who doesn’t want to live to the fullest?
Then I get troubled at heart, things happen
Then I am bereft of peace and never at ease
Then I remember the sweet old days
The days I had nothing and you were all I had
The days I slept hungry and your word was on my lips
The days I felt dejected but this warm feeling summoned me to bliss
I then think it is payback
And you want to strip all from me

I fear for my brilliant brain and my booming business
I fear for my talents and strengths
I fear for my family and wealth
Then I realize
That you are not top ten of my list
Not even on the list of shopping I have to do
Life gets busier and better
But I expect it to get scarier and hotter
Just because I went out of your ways
Not giving you a day, from my years of light

In tears I come back to your fold
Warm and cosy, gospel and worship being the norm
And then I realize
That you are not a God of payback or revenge
And salvation ain’t about vengeance when I don’t comply
But one that assures me of your eternal plan for me
When I walk in your ways
You are a God of peace who still works in me
Who deeply loves me, but hate the sin in me

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