The Valentines Trilogy – 1

Picture of Siloma


Happy soul ultra pro max!

I sincerely do not know what love is
Maybe it is the morning sweet walk on the sandy beach
Or the lonely evening stroll on the busy side of the city
Where muffed voices and distant noises
Grace the poignant memories I have of you

What is love if it tears man down into tears
What are tears for if they run dry and quench the thirsty ground
Vapored by the scorching heat
And trampled by rushing feet?
What then is sharing a heart to another’s
If like hungry wolves they devour with their teeth that tear in a trice?

Of what essence is love to the lonely heart
If fences have blinded him like a bat
On lonely benches made him sat
Bereft of moments one deemed sad?
What then is of this day, the valentines
If the only memories I have for you
Were fights, and a cold heart?
What then is of this day
If to the abyss I was shunned
And around my heart I was manned
To make sure I never expressed my love?

All I have are bitter-sweet memories of you
Most bitter, of efforts hitting a dead end
And moments that never blend
I never authored love
Therefore it’s beauty nor pitfalls I don’t know
All I know is that I played my part
Like the last gladiator amidst an army of the foe

#SilomaThePoet #TheValentinesTrilogy

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