Am I A Proud African?

Picture of Siloma


Happy soul ultra pro max!

I love the dust
But hate the lust
I love the green
And loathe the sin

I hate the river between
The river that clash the tribes within
I hate the slate, the back-stab
I hate the tribal mind
And the idle goon

I hate the pride
I hate the manipulation
Of Africans against Africans
The joy of oppression
And the art of suppression

The social class kills me
The misuse of power pounds me
I hate the blade
The blade that cuts apart
The blade that splits the art
The blade owned by your closest pal
Your family and your boss

So, am I proud African?
With unlawful laws and heavy taxes?
With corruption tip front like axes?
With man eating man
And government eating man?

I am Not!

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